Thursday, June 23, 2016

"Do What You Love": a new display in the classroom

When the children produce something spectacular and heartening I take the time to double back the art works. This is a new display in the classroom. More to go up next week too.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

I miss my beautiful class...back on board Tuesday 14th of June: presenting Flinders and Trim

Hi all. It has been an extremely sad month for me but I will be back on deck on Tuesday June the 14th. We all enjoyed this presentation by Flinders and the fabulous cool cat Trim immensely. How proud were we all. I just love the way the kids support each other. Hopefully we will get the rest of the presentations filmed this term.

UPDATE: June 23rd
We will be presenting them a few at a time in upcoming assemblies. Nicolas Baudin's performance in front of Prep/One Saunders this afternoon was priceless (June 23rd) and I loved the sudden appearance of a marauding plant (Thank you Joseph Banks) and some new lines which had the younger kids in stitches.

Macassan Fishermen

Captain James Cook
Willem Jansz

Antoine Bruni d’Entrecasteaux

Joseph Banks

Luis de Torres
Pedro de Quiros


One of the many faces of Baudin

Nicolas Baudin

Pensive Nicolas Baudin